The Most Important Thing to Carry With Me All the Time

Assalam alaikum, dear readers!
Today’s daily prompt is: The Most Important Thing to Carry With Me All the Time

Hey there, folks! Shabana Mukhtar here, and let’s talk about something that we can all agree is an absolute essential in today’s world – the most important thing to carry with me all the time. Drumroll, please… It’s none other than my trusty phone and some good ol’ cash. Yep, these two buddies are my ride-or-die companions whenever I step out of the house.

Now, let’s break it down. If I’m locking the house behind me, especially when I’m gallivanting around Pune and flying solo, you better believe those keys are coming with me. I mean, it’s only logical, right? We can’t be locked out of our own castle!

But let’s get real – the lifeline of the 21st century is that pocket-sized powerhouse we call a phone. It’s my map, my connection to the world, my entertainment hub, and my personal assistant all rolled into one. I can’t even imagine leaving home without it. From catching up on the latest gossip to finding my way around the city, my phone is always by my side.

And let’s not forget the power of cold, hard cash. In a world that’s all about plastic money and digital transactions, having some cash on hand can be a lifesaver. You never know when you’ll stumble upon that hole-in-the-wall eatery that only takes cash or when you need to grab a quick rickshaw ride.

Now, depending on the situation and circumstances, a few other items might join the party. If I’m heading out for more than half an hour, you can bet I’ve got a trusty bottle of water with me. Hydration, my friends, is key. And if the skies decide to open up, I’m not about to get caught in the rain dance without my umbrella.

So there you have it, the rundown of my essential must-haves. It’s all about being prepared for the adventure that life throws our way. While the specifics might change based on the day and the scene, one thing remains constant – cash and phone are the dynamic duo that I just can’t leave home without.

So, the next time you see me striding down the street, you can rest assured that my pockets are jingling with cash and my hand is firmly clutching my phone. With these two trusty companions, I’m ready to take on whatever the world has in store. Stay prepared, my friends, and keep those essentials close!

Assalam Alaikum and Allah Hafiz!

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Shabana Mukhtar

2 Comments Add yours

  1. I followed you, liked your writing. Keep up the good work 🙂

  2. Lol. It has to be my phone… let’s follow each other’s blog.

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