Life Needs More Attention



Hey there, lovely readers! 🌼

Shabana Mukhtar here, ready to chat about today’s daily prompt: What details of your life could you pay more attention to?

Isn’t that obvious from all my posts in the past couple of months? I would like to focus on the glaringly obvious details of life that often slip through the cracks!

My life is fine, but my health? Not so much.. It’s time to shine a spotlight on the ones that have been giving me the slip lately. You see, if my past posts are any indication, I’ve been living life on the edge of neglecting some pretty crucial things.

The Great Health Mystery

First and foremost, there’s the enigmatic realm of health. Yes, that thing that should probably be a top priority but somehow gets buried under the mountain of meeting deadlines, eating junk food as midinght snacks and countless cups of tea. Who needs kale when there’s a perfectly good chocolate cake in the fridge, right?

Speaking of good health, we can’t ignore the other important factor-eating right. The quest for eating right often feels like searching for a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. Sure, I’ve heard of vegetables and stuff, but when there’s biryani on the same table, who would go for healthier options? Not me for sure.

The Exercise Conundrum

Not only did I NOT eat right, I always ignored exercise—the word alone is enough to make me break into a cold sweat. But apparently, it’s essential for something called “fitness” and “longevity.” Who knew? So, instead of cozying up on the couch with a good book, I should probably be, I don’t know, doing squats or something equally torturous.

The Art of Self-Centeredness

But wait, there’s more! I always considered that y self-care is being a bit selfish, being more self-centered. Yes, you read that right. It turns out that self-care isn’t being selfish; it’s about not running yourself ragged while trying to please the entire universe. Who knew that taking time for oneself was actually a thing? 

Well-Being and the Quest for Balance

I can’t stress enough how much I regret ignoring myself. I now hope to embark upon a quest of “a healthier lifestyle”. The details of life I could pay more attention to are as clear as day. It’s time to start working towards better health, sensible eating, exercise that doesn’t feel like torture, and a dash of well-deserved self-centeredness. I really must take time out of my crazy shcedule to dedicate to my well-being. After all, taking care of oneself isn’t just a trend; it’s a necessity.

I am beginning to unravel the mysteries of well-being, one self-care step at a time. Who knows, maybe one day I’ll actually enjoy a salad, conquer a few squats, and master the art of guilt-free me-time. Until then, let’s raise a slice of chocolate cake to the journey ahead! 🍰🥗🏋️‍♀️


Assalam Alaikum and Allah Hafiz!

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Shabana Mukhtar

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