Jannat Se Aagay | Episode 4

Jannat Se Aagay

“Jannat Se Aagay” explores the themes of identity, personal aspirations, and the potential consequences of idolizing others. The story follows the journey of Jannat and Tabassum as they navigate their dreams, relationships, and the inherent challenges of discovering their true selves.

Tabassum is a beautiful and compassionate young girl. She selflessly takes care of everyone in her family and even supports them financially by giving tuition to children from her neighbourhood. While she leads a simple life, there is one thing that brings her immense joy and inspiration: watching Jannat’s morning show on television.

Jannat Ali Khan is the host of the morning show that Tabassum adores. She considers Jannat her idol and attempts to emulate her style and mannerisms. On the other hand, Jannat who influences the lives of thousand of such girls with a façade of grandeur is empty on the inside.

Will Jannat be able to fill her inner void? Will Tabassum’s dream to become someone else cause her to lose her own identity? Will Tabassum discover the importance of being true to oneself, or will she get lost in becoming an idealized version of someone else?

[Source: GEO TV official YouTube channel]


Writer: Umera Ahmed
Director: Haseeb Hassan
Producers: Abdullah Kadwani & Asad Qureshi
Production House: 7th Sky Entertainment

Jannat Se Aagay Episode 4 Written Update and Review

Greetings, fellow drama enthusiasts! Shabana Mukhtar here, ready to dissect the latest episode of “Jannat Se Aagay” that had us all on the edge of our seats. Brace yourselves, because there’s a lot to unpack.

Jannat’s Insomnia

The episode kicks off with Jannat, our restless protagonist, unable to find solace in sleep (sounds familiar?). Instead, she decides to open the presents she received, which unveils a surprise in the form of Tabassum’s letter. A letter, undoubtedly, holds secrets and revelations that could change the course of the story.


Morning Battle

Morning arrives, and Jannat’s sleepless night seems to have translated into a tense morning. Now, here’s where things take an interesting twist. Jannat, the same woman who seems to have no qualms showering gifts upon gifts, suddenly engages in a heated argument with the cook over grocery expenses. It’s a contrast that leaves us intrigued – is this a sign of underlying issues or simply a reflection of her complex character?

But hold on, that’s not all. Jannat’s domestic turmoil continues as she locks horns with Noman over seemingly trivial matters. And this, my friends, is where the plot thickens. The cracks in their marriage, which had been subtly hinted at before, are now laid bare for all to see. The tension, the unease, and the growing distance between them are palpable.


Jannat’s Jam-pack Schedule

Jannat, our resilient protagonist, feeling completely worn out by the circumstances around her. The weight of her struggles is evident as she seeks solace in meeting her mother. The heart-wrenching sight of Jannat, utterly tired and barely getting a moment’s rest, is enough to tug at anyone’s heartstrings.

Jannat: I’m tired of life.
Amma: you tangled your own life

The way she clings to her mother in a desperate embrace speaks volumes about her emotional exhaustion.


We begin with a peek into Jannat’s life, and let me tell you, her schedule is the definition of chaos. The poor woman only gets a breather on Sundays when she’s not hosting the morning show. Just thinking about it made me hyperventillate and had me reaching for an imaginary paper bag to control my own breathing.

Now, I get it. We all have busy lives. Heck, I know I’ve got a schedule that’s packed tighter than a can of sardines. But let me emphasize this – nobody is watching me and going like, “aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!”

Back to Jannat’s rollercoaster of a life. From interviews to shoots to salon appointment to gym to God-knows-what-else, her calendar resembles a tangled mess of appointments that could make anyone’s head spin. I’m not sure how she’s managing to juggle it all without spontaneously combusting.


The Salon Scuffle

As we move forward, we find Jannat at the salon, where she stumbles upon a startling revelation. The salon has extended its services to none other than Aila, a development that sends Jannat into a frenzy. The rage and frustration that Jannat exhibits upon hearing this news are palpable. But little does she know, this twist in the story plays right into Tabassum’s hands.


Farooq’s Heartbreak

In the midst of all this, we also get a glimpse into Farooq’s perspective. He doesn’t seem too pleased with Tabassum’s fixation on Jannat. It appears that her intense focus on Jannat is causing ripples within their dynamic.



On a side note, Tabassum’s older sister, Suraiyya, enters the scene with her three kids. Unfortunately, her husband Naeem is grappling with job loss yet again. It’s a sad situation that adds a layer of realism to the narrative.



Overall, the first episode of “Jannat Se Aagay” sets the stage for a drama filled with emotions, twists, and the complex dynamics of its characters. Jannat’s exhaustion and vulnerability are portrayed remarkably, evoking empathy from the audience. Meanwhile, Tabassum’s calculated actions hint at a deeper agenda that will likely shape the course of the story.

As the narrative unfolds, we can anticipate a rollercoaster of emotions and a web of secrets waiting to be uncovered. With strong performances and a gripping storyline, “Jannat Se Aagay” has certainly started off on a promising note.

We’re left with a whirlwind of emotions. How did a relationship that seemed so promising take such a turn? What lies beneath the surface of Jannat’s seemingly lavish and carefree lifestyle? And what does Tabassum’s letter hold that has the power to alter the narrative in such a profound way?

The drama continues to keep us guessing, with its intricate plot twists and well-defined characters. The performances of the cast deserve a shout-out, as they bring to life the nuances and complexities of their respective roles.

So, my dear drama aficionados, buckle up for the ride ahead. “Jannat Se Aagay” is serving up suspense, drama, and a peek into the intricacies of relationships. As the story unravels, we can’t help but be drawn into Jannat’s world, eager to uncover the truth that lies beneath the surface.

Stay tuned for more updates and revelations. Until next time, happy drama watching and keep those speculations alive!



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Shabana Mukhtar